
Cellular Rejuvenation: Once a Dream, Now Our Mission

 Aging is a process accompanied by progressive decline in cellular function. Our aim is to create a groundbreaking therapy based on patented proteins, that rejuvenate elderly cells, all while maintaining their distinct properties.


Ananda Labs, Inc. is a US startup headquartered in New York City with an office in Tel-Aviv, and plans to open another office in Orange County, California. Established in 2023, the company has developed the RPER platform, based on 10 years of research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This innovative, state-of-the-art platform uses patented factors to reverse aging by 50% and impact longevity. Ananda Labs focuses on innovative research and development and is planning to raise funds to disrupt the world of medicine, aiming to cure diseases and conditions that have had no solutions or only symptomatic treatments until now. We offer an exceptional opportunity for accredited investors to participate. The company is a subsidiary of Onassis Holdings Corp, a Nevada-based company, which has started the process to raise funds via a mini IPO of a Reg A+ offering. The company is managed by a skilled team in science, medicine, and finance.

Impactful Publications

Our technology was developed based on extensive scientific research published in prestigious, high-impact journals from the Nature, Science, and Cell publishing groups.


Our Invention

Prof. Yosef Buganim (CSO), is a world leader in the field of stem cells and reprogramming and was the first to discover a combination of genes that can convert adult skin cells into placental stem cells. As the chronological age of the placenta is zero (embryonic stage), Prof. Buganim’s combination can rejuvenate cells using site-specific alteration of epigenetic marks. His combination of factors are proven to be more potent than Yamanaka’s factors in targeting the genome of adult cells, showing up to 50% age reversal of adult skin cells while maintaining the identity of the affected cells. This age reversal is accompanied by improved function and healthier cells. Moreover, whereas the Yamanaka factors hold a tumorigenic risk (formation of teratomas – benign tumors), Prof. Buganim’s combination is safer.


Ananda Labs Inc. is at the forefront of epigenetic reprogramming for longevity and anti-aging, developed in partnership with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ananda Labs is creating advanced therapeutics centered on epigenetic reprogramming to combat human diseases and promote anti-aging.

This involves altering gene expression without changing the DNA sequence, using epigenetic editors—a potentially revolutionary advancement in the medical and wellness industry.

Competitive Advantage

Ananda Labs has a superior and safer set of patented factors compared to competitors, providing a significant advantage. Competitors’ valuations range from hundreds of millions to a few billion dollars, all being in the R&D stage.


Onassis and Ananda Labs hold exclusive licensing rights to several key patents, including the method for reprogramming human cells.


Vision and Values

Ananda Labs envisions affordable therapy for age related diseases as well as preventive treatments for immune system rejuvenation, keeping adults healthy into old age. We believe in democratizing medicine, making our solutions affordable and accessible to all, not just the top 1%

Skin damage


Reversing White Hair


Hair loss

younger appearance

Mission in Dermal Treatments

We aim to rejuvenate fibroblast cells by 40%-50% of their age to provide long-lasting skin elasticity and a healthy, younger appearance. Our research will focus on:

Short term goal

  • Wrinkles
  • Skin damage
  • Scars

Long term goal

  • Hair loss
  • Reversing white hair


Saving people from going blind by reversing the degeneration of sight related cellular function in the eyes of elderly people due to aging (AMD).

Improving the Immune System

Rejuvenating the immune system’s age by half to prevent diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even the flu, which primarily affect the elderly.

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